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FHM Slagtegrise search an experienced herdsman to slaughterpigs

We are looking for experienced herdsman, (minimum 2-3 years of experience) who can take responsibility for our slaughter pig properties.

Knowledge of Big Dutchmann feed systems and Skov ventilation is an advantage.


We offer:

  • Space for personal development
  • Salary and responsibilities according to qualificaions
  • The company seeks to optimize all the time, which is why an consultant is closely associated with it.
  • Housing close to the workplace
  • Weekend work by agreement
  • 2-3 annual staff organizers.


Your prerequisites:

  • As a person, we expect you to be able to create an overview, work independently, but at the same time be part of a team.
  • You are structured, flexible, ambitious, outgoing, and want to take the lead.
  • You have a sense of order.
  • Driving license is an advantage
  • Can speak and understand English, Danish is also advantage.


The job will be in Grindsted/ Billund area. 😊


Contact Åge Wildfang tel. 40 30 88 02 or send an application by email to: aage@ny-endrupholm.dk

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Ansøgningsfrist: Snarest

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Dansk Engelsk



Arbejdssted 7200 Grindsted

Opslået 03.02.2025

Ansøgningsfrist Løbende samtale

Jobstart Snarest

Job ID 20289

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